Network with a smart matchmaking algorithm

Virtual Business Crews is a networking activity that uses a smart matchmaking algorithm to group you with participants who share your business interests and goals.

Groups of 15 to 20 people are created and meet four times over the course of six weeks. The meetings are led by an experienced facilitator to optimize the networking experience.

Why participate in Business Crews?

No need to interrupt a conversation to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know at an event—with Business Crews, networking is simple and natural.

You will easily connect with and develop lasting business relationships within your Business Crew made up of professionals selected especially for you.

Past participants are unanimous: the Business Crews provide a unique atmosphere of collaboration and mutual support, since the facilitator encourages members to help each other and to go deeper in the discussions.

By participating in the Crews, you will develop your network and create quality business connections.

See the next cohorts

Who is this activity for?

For all professionals, entrepreneurs or self-employed workers who wish to develop their business network, for themselves or on behalf of a company.

All industry sectors are welcome!

Participant profiles

Among participants…


want to develop their network and learn from the experiences of other professionals


are Chamber members


are managers or senior managers

Top 10 represented fields

  • Retail
  • Culture, entertainment and leisure
  • Business development and support
  • Finance and administration
  • Accommodations
  • Real estate
  • Marketing and sales strategies
  • HR consulting services
  • Information technology
  • Transportation

Network in Québec or across Canada

Regional Business Crews

Brings together professionals from across Quebec
Takes place in French

National Business Crews

Brings together professionals from across Canada
Takes place in English

How to participate

To participate, just follow three easy steps:

Step 1:

Register online right on the Business Crew activity page(s) you wish to add to your calendar.

Step 2:

Fill out the matchmaking form to determine your networking goals and the profiles of the people you want to meet.

Step 3:

Based on the information provided in the matchmaking form, an algorithm will place you in a group based on your availability.

**Please note: It is possible that your application will not be accepted at your first attempt to register for the activity. Due to the large number of applications received and our concern for non-competition amongst participants, we may have to refuse some registrations.

96% of participants reported making meaningful business connections in their group

“Business Crews are a highly enjoyable and rewarding networking opportunity. Thanks to perfect matching and outstanding facilitation, the meetings are inspiring, motivating and engaging. The topics of discussion are relevant, which helps group members form strong connections. Business Crews have become an essential way for me to network.”

Anne Riby
Director, Strategic Partnerships and Communications
JA Québec

The next cohorts


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