The PEQ, an excellent tool for aligning economic development with immigration

This brief was originally written in the context of consultations led by Simon Jolin-Barrette, Minister of Immigration, Francization and Integration, in the winter of 2020. The Chamber took part in the consultation organized by the Conseil emploi métropole on February 20 in the presence of Minister Jolin-Barrette and tabled its brief on March 20.


At the same time, important measures were taken by the governments of Quebec and Canada as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. These measures have a significant impact on our economy and our businesses. The temporary closure of the borders hinders the entry of foreign workers and students to Quebec. The economic indicators presented in this brief—unemployment rate, estimated average GDP growth, number of job vacancies, etc.—are also subject to rapid change given the situation.


For this reason, adjustments have been made to the original version of this brief. This new version takes into account the impacts of the crisis and the increase in the unemployment rate in Quebec. Findings and recommendations related to immigration thresholds and the allocation of resources to immigration programs have been adjusted accordingly. This brief also takes into account the suspension, due to the crisis, of the Chamber’s programs for the support and francization of immigrants.


However, the core of the immigration recommendations in this brief remains the same. The Chamber’s central message about the importance of immigration to the economy of Quebec and its metropolis remains valid for the recovery of the economy and business activity that will follow the current instability.

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