This activity will take place from october 2019 to april 2020

Registration form for school or community organization

Please fill one form for each group. Confirmation will be sent by email. You must contact the speaker before the conference to give details and comments.

If you are having trouble registering a large number of groups, please contact the project manager.


Tel.: 514 871-400, ext. 4095

* Required Fields

Occupation of this person

Language of presentation

Place a checkmark next to the class profile

Is this a multi-ethnic class?

Type of visual and multimedia aids available to the speaker

Would you like to be visited by a speaker corresponding to a particular profile? If yes, which of the following?
Select all profiles in which you are interested.

Indicate three dates and times you are available between october 2019 and april 2020
In which language would you like to be contacted?


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