Press release
The Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal commends the measures aimed at fighting poverty but deplores the absence of measures to support exports Montreal, March 19, 2002 - The Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal approves of the measures announced by the Minister of Finance of Québec, Ms. Pauline Marois, aimed at fighting poverty and salutes the government's decision to maintain the course of expenses and the goal of a balanced budget. However, the Board of Trade can only deplore the lack of concrete actions aimed at increasing the export potential of the metropolitan area's firms, the heart of the economy in Quebec. "Previously, the Board of Trade had highlighted the absence of such measures on the occasion of the delivery of the Finance Minister's November budget. We must conclude that she did not follow through in today's announcement with the measures we had put forward" said the president of the Board of Trade, Mr. Guy Fréchette.
Certain types of measures announced by the Minister, such as the Bio-Levier, are interesting. Exports could also have beneficiated from such innovative programs. "Considering the 6.9% drop of the level of exports in the last year and the fact that the Montreal region is home to more than 5,000 exporting firms and 70% of the province's exporters, the government of Quebec should have considered the economic weight of the region in this essential sector of the economy", stated Mr. Fréchette.
Finally, the Board of Trade deplores that the capital tax reduction has not been accelerated like it is the case in other Canadian provinces, which puts a strain on our companies' competitiveness and has a negative impact on employment and investment.
The Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal has more than 7 000 members. Its mission is to be the leading group representing the interests of the Greater Montreal business community. The objectives are to maintain, at all times, relevance to its membership, credibility towards the media and influence towards government and decision-makers.